Is It the Flu, COVID, RSV, or Just a Cold? How to Tell the Difference

Your child has a stuffy nose, a cough, and a fever—but is it the flu? COVID-19? Or could it be respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? With so many overlapping symptoms, it can be tough to figure out what’s making your little one feel under the weather.

At the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN, we see many cases of viral respiratory illnesses, and while they share similar symptoms, there are some key differences that may help you identify what’s going on.

Common Symptoms of Childhood Respiratory Illnesses

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Fatigue

  • Stuffy nose

  • Shortness of breath

  • Sneezing

  • Rapid breathing

  • Flaring nostrils

  • Wheezing and grunting

  • Poor feeding or loss of appetite

  • Chest caving in between or under the ribs when breathing

RSV symptoms typically worsen between days 3 to 5 and can last between 7 to 14 days.

Flu (Influenza)

  • Fever and chills

  • Headache

  • Body aches

  • Dry cough

  • Fatigue

  • Stuffy nose

  • Sore throat

  • Vomiting or diarrhea (more common in children)

Flu symptoms appear 1 to 4 days after exposure.


  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Congestion

  • Shortness of breath

  • Sore throat

  • Headache

  • Sneezing

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  • Loss of taste or smell (less common in newer variants)

COVID-19 symptoms may develop 2 to 14 days after infection.

Common Cold

  • Fever (sometimes mild)

  • Cough

  • Fatigue

  • Stuffy nose

  • Sore throat

  • Sneezing

  • Slightly swollen glands

Colds are upper respiratory infections that can be caused by various viruses. Healthy children can have 6 to 10 colds per year.

When to Call Your Pediatrician

While most viral illnesses can be managed at home with rest, fluids, and symptom relief, you should seek medical attention if your child experiences:

  • Rapid breathing, wheezing, or nasal flaring

  • Chest caving in with each breath

  • Severe shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Vomiting lasting more than 24 hours

  • Bloody diarrhea

  • Extreme fatigue or appearing very ill

  • Poor feeding or signs of dehydration (dry mouth, no tears when crying, fewer wet diapers)

  • Fever above 104°F in any child

  • Fever above 100.4°F in infants under 2 months old

  • Fever above 103°F lasting more than 24 hours

Can a Child Be Infected with Multiple Viruses at Once?

Yes. It’s possible for children to have both the flu and COVID-19 at the same time, or to develop a secondary infection like bronchiolitis, pneumonia, or an ear infection. Because symptoms of viral infections often overlap, your pediatrician may order a test to confirm the diagnosis if needed.

How to Reduce the Risk of Illness

The best way to protect your child from severe illness is through routine vaccinations and healthy hygiene habits.

Recommended Immunizations

  • Flu Vaccine – Recommended yearly for everyone 6 months and older. Get vaccinated early to stay protected throughout the flu season, which can last until late spring.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine – Recommended for everyone 6 months and older. Ask your pediatrician when your child should receive the updated vaccine.

  • RSV Immunization (Nirsevimab) – Recommended for babies under 8 months old during their first RSV season and for some high-risk children up to 19 months old.

  • RSV Vaccine (RSVpreF) – Recommended for pregnant individuals to help protect newborns from RSV.

Additional Ways to Stay Healthy

  • Teach kids to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when sneezing or coughing.

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer when soap isn’t available.

  • Consider wearing a mask in crowded indoor spaces during cold and flu season.

Final Thoughts

If your child is sick and you’re unsure about their symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician. The team at the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN, is here to help answer your questions and provide guidance on keeping your family healthy.

It’s also important to keep up with routine check-ups, sports physicals, and immunizations to ensure your child stays protected year-round. If you need to schedule an appointment, give us a call—we’re happy to help!

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Concussions in Children & Teens: What Parents Need to Know

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) that occurs when a bump, blow, or jolt to the head—or even a hit to the body—causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull. This sudden movement stretches brain cells and leads to temporary chemical changes that disrupt normal brain function.

At the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN, we see concussions regularly in children and teens. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and proper recovery steps can help parents protect their kids and ensure a safe return to normal activities.

Causes of Concussions in Children & Teens

Concussions can happen in any activity where a child’s head is at risk of injury, but they are especially common in contact sports like:

  • Football

  • Soccer

  • Hockey

  • Basketball

  • Rugby

  • Wrestling

  • Lacrosse

  • Cheerleading

Other recreational activities—such as bike riding, skateboarding, and tree climbing—can also lead to head injuries.

Children under age 4 are most likely to get concussions from falls, while teenagers are at increased risk due to their growing independence and potential peer pressure to take risks.

Common Symptoms of Concussions

Children who say they "don’t feel right" after a hit to the head or body may have a concussion. Parents should look for signs such as:

  • Appearing dazed or stunned

  • Confusion about instructions, game rules, or surroundings (for athletes)

  • Moving clumsily

  • Slowed speech or responses

  • Mood or personality changes

  • Difficulty recalling events before or after the injury

Older children and teens may also report:

  • Headache or pressure in the head

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Dizziness, balance problems, or blurry vision

  • Sensitivity to light or noise

  • Feeling sluggish, foggy, or groggy

  • Sleep disturbances (sleeping more or less than usual)

  • Difficulty concentrating or feeling "off"

Symptoms can appear immediately or take a few days to develop.

When to Seek Emergency Care

Take your child to the emergency department immediately if they experience any of these dangerous symptoms:

  • Worsening headache that won’t go away

  • Weakness, numbness, or loss of coordination

  • Repeated vomiting

  • Slurred speech

  • Severe drowsiness or difficulty waking up

  • One pupil larger than the other

  • Seizures or convulsions

  • Inability to recognize people or places

  • Increased confusion, agitation, or unusual behavior

  • Loss of consciousness (even briefly)

For infants, inconsolable crying or refusing to eat or nurse after a head injury is also a red flag.

Diagnosing a Concussion

Your child’s doctor will ask for details about the injury, symptoms, and medical history. They will check for previous concussions, ADHD, migraines, sleep disorders, or mood disorders, as these can affect recovery.

Some doctors use standardized tests like SCAT6 (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool) or computerized tools such as ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) to evaluate symptoms.

Are Imaging Tests Necessary?

CT scans and MRIs are not always needed for diagnosing a concussion, as they primarily detect structural brain injuries rather than changes in brain function. Imaging may be recommended if the child has:

  • Severe or worsening symptoms

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Signs of a skull fracture or bleeding in the brain

Concussion Treatment & Recovery

The best treatment for a concussion is rest from both physical and mental activities for the first 48-72 hours. While monitoring your child is important, there is no need to wake them up frequently unless advised by a doctor.

Returning to School & Activities:

  • Kids do not need to be completely symptom-free before returning to school but should be able to focus for 30-40 minutes before needing a break.

  • Recess and P.E. may need to be modified, but some physical activity is beneficial for recovery.

  • Symptoms should be closely monitored, and parents should follow up with a doctor if they worsen or persist beyond a few weeks.

Most children recover from a concussion in about a month, but up to 30% may experience longer-lasting symptoms. Recovery time depends on factors like the severity of the injury, medical history, and how well the child follows treatment guidelines.

Talking to Your Child About Concussions

Encourage your child to report any symptoms after a head injury—even if they think it's minor.

Some teen athletes hesitate to report concussions out of fear of losing their position on a team. Remind them:

  • It's better to miss one game than an entire season.

  • Athletes who leave the game immediately after a concussion recover faster than those who continue playing.

Preventing Concussions

While concussions can’t always be prevented, taking precautions can reduce the severity of injuries:

  • Ensure children wear properly fitted helmets for activities like biking, skateboarding, snowboarding, horseback riding, and contact sports.

  • Teach safe playing techniques and enforce game rules to prevent dangerous collisions.

  • Encourage open communication—kids should never ignore a head injury, no matter how minor it seems.

Final Thoughts

Concussions are common in children and teens, but recognizing symptoms early and following proper recovery steps can prevent long-term complications. If you suspect a concussion, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s doctor for guidance.

At the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN, we are here to support families through the recovery process and ensure that children return to school and sports safely. If you have any concerns about head injuries, give us a call—we’re happy to help!

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Protecting Babies & Young Children from the Flu: What Parents Need to Know

Influenza (the flu) isn’t just a concern for older adults—it can be dangerous for babies, young children, and even healthy teens. The 2024-25 flu season has been especially severe, with at least 370,000 hospitalizations and 13,000 deaths linked to the flu, including 68 pediatric deaths as of early February.

At the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN, we encourage parents to take proactive steps to protect their little ones from the flu. One of the best ways to do this is through vaccination, which helps strengthen immunity and reduces the risk of severe illness.

Are Babies and Young Children at Higher Risk from the Flu?

Yes. Because their immune systems are still developing, babies and young children are more vulnerable to severe flu complications. Here’s what parents should know:

  • Children under 2 years old are at the highest risk.

  • Infants under 6 months old have the highest hospitalization and death rates from flu but are too young to be vaccinated.

  • Children ages 2 to 5 are more likely to visit the doctor or emergency room due to flu-related symptoms compared to older kids.

Does My Baby Need Two Doses of the Flu Shot?

Maybe. Your child will need two doses of the flu vaccine, spaced four weeks apart, if they are:

  • 6 months to 8 years old and receiving the flu vaccine for the first time, or

  • Have only received one flu shot before July 1 of the previous year.

After the first dose, the immune system begins preparing to fight the virus. The second dose strengthens protection, ensuring a higher level of immunity. Once a child has completed the two-dose series, they will only need one flu shot per year going forward.

Babies can get the flu shot at any time during flu season, but earlier is better—especially if they are getting it for the first time.

Do Breastfed Babies Need a Flu Shot?

Yes. Although breastfeeding provides some immune benefits, it does not replace the need for vaccination.

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, getting a flu shot can help pass protective antibodies to your baby.

  • Once babies turn 6 months old, they should receive their own flu vaccine for direct protection.

  • Family members and caregivers should also get vaccinated to help create a protective "cocoon" around the baby.

When Should I Call the Pediatrician About My Baby’s Flu Symptoms?

If your baby or young child shows emergency warning signs of flu, seek medical care immediately.

Signs to watch for:

  • Difficulty breathing or rapid breathing

  • Dehydration (no tears when crying, fewer wet diapers)

  • High fever that doesn’t improve

  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea

  • Lethargy or difficulty waking up

At the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN, we recommend that parents contact their pediatrician as soon as flu symptoms appear. Antiviral medications can be effective in reducing the severity of flu if started within 48 hours. However, they may still be helpful for severely ill or high-risk children even if started later.

What Should Parents Do If They Get Sick?

If a parent or caregiver comes down with the flu, they should:

  • Call their doctor to determine if antiviral medication is needed.

  • Wear a mask when holding, feeding, or caring for their baby to help prevent the spread of the virus.

  • If possible, have a healthy adult caregiver temporarily take over childcare duties.


Flu season can be unpredictable, and while most people recover within a week, some children can develop severe complications. The best way to protect babies and young children is through vaccination.

For children 6 months and older, getting a flu shot every year is the most effective way to prevent serious illness. For babies under 6 months, vaccinating parents, caregivers, and siblings can provide an extra layer of protection.

If you have any concerns about your child’s health or flu protection, the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN is here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician for guidance.

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Measles: What Parents Should Know

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to serious health complications. While there is no cure, the good news is that measles can be prevented with vaccination. At the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN, we want to help parents stay informed and protect their little ones from this preventable illness.

Is Measles Making a Comeback?

Once nearly eliminated in the United States, measles cases are rising again in areas where vaccination rates have declined. Thanks to childhood immunization programs, measles cases dropped by over 99% since 1963. However, unvaccinated travelers visiting or returning from other countries can bring the virus back, leading to local outbreaks.

Once a case is reported in a community, it is considered an outbreak because of how rapidly the virus spreads. Health officials must act quickly to contain it and prevent further infections.

Travel Precautions for Families with Young Children

If you are traveling internationally, take extra precautions to protect your child from measles:

  • Infants under 6 months: Too young for vaccination but may have some protection from antibodies passed through pregnancy. If possible, delay travel to areas with outbreaks.

  • Infants 6 to 11 months: Should receive an early dose of the MMR vaccine at least two weeks before traveling. They will still need the routine two-dose series after their first birthday.

  • Children 12 months and older: Should receive their first MMR vaccine dose, followed by a second dose at least 28 days later if traveling.

  • Before traveling, check the CDC Travel Health Notices for updates on measles outbreaks and vaccine recommendations.

At the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN, we recommend scheduling a pre-travel consultation to ensure your child is up to date on all necessary vaccinations.

How Contagious is Measles?

Measles is one of the most infectious diseases in the world. Nine out of ten unvaccinated people exposed to the virus will catch it. The virus spreads easily through airborne droplets from coughs or sneezes and can remain in the air or on surfaces for up to two hours.

How Long is Someone Contagious?

A person with measles can spread the virus four days before and four days after the rash appears—often before they even realize they are sick.

How Does Measles Spread?

The measles virus travels through the air, meaning someone can contract the disease simply by being in the same room where an infected person was hours earlier. It can even spread through air currents to infect people in different areas of a building.

Symptoms of Measles

Measles symptoms typically appear 8 to 12 days after exposure and often include:

  • High fever

  • Cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes

  • Small white spots inside the mouth (Koplik spots)

  • Rash that starts on the face and spreads downward

  • Diarrhea and ear infections (in some cases)

Complications of Measles

Measles can lead to serious health issues, including:

  • Pneumonia

  • Encephalitis (brain swelling)

  • Hearing loss or intellectual disabilities

  • Severe cases can result in death

How Long Should a Child with Measles Stay Home?

Children diagnosed with measles should stay home at least four days after the rash appears to prevent spreading the virus.

Should Unvaccinated Children Attend School During an Outbreak?

During an outbreak, unvaccinated children may need to stay home. Specific recommendations include:

  • Unvaccinated children should be excluded from school.

  • Children who receive their first MMR vaccine dose during an outbreak can return to school immediately.

  • Children exposed to measles should get vaccinated within 72 hours of exposure to stay in school.

  • If vaccinated later than 72 hours after exposure, children must stay home for 21 days.

  • Children who do not get vaccinated at all must stay home for 21 days after the last reported measles case in their community.

The Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN, advises parents to speak with their pediatrician to determine when it is safe for their child to return to school while preventing further spread.

How to Prevent the Spread of Measles

Measles is highly preventable through vaccination. The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is 95% effective after one dose and 97–99% effective after two doses.

The recommended vaccination schedule includes:

  • First dose: 12–15 months of age

  • Second dose: 4–6 years of age

  • In outbreak situations, some children may need a third dose for extra protection.

If your child has been exposed to measles, contact their pediatrician immediately.

Final Thoughts

Vaccinating your child protects not only them but also vulnerable members of the community, including infants and those with weakened immune systems. If you have concerns about measles exposure or vaccinations, reach out to the Children’s Clinic in Jackson, TN. Our team is here to answer your questions and ensure your child stays protected.

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