Good activity habits begin early in your child’s life.
As early as infancy, you can help your child grow
lifelong healthy play habits. Your child learns from you,
so while you help him be active, try to do the same
Play Time Can Be Active Time!
For Your Infant
• Keep your baby active with tummy time and time
spent out of the swing or bouncy chair. This will give
him plenty of chances to stretch, reach, and kick so
he can reach important milestones like crawling and
sitting up.
• Avoid putting a TV in your baby’s room. The more
YOU talk to and play with your baby, the more likely
he is to be healthy as he grows.
For Your Toddler
• Even very active toddlers need physical activity. Keep
moving by dancing, jumping, and walking together.
• Try to limit screen time to 2 hours or less a day.
Children who have lots of active play time outside and
indoors are more likely to stay healthy and active as
they grow up.
For Your Preschooler
• Help your child to stay active and learn at the same
time by spending time outdoors.
Try to limit TV, video games, and computer time to 2
hours or less a day. Children who watch more than 2
hours of TV a day are more likely to be overweight as
they get older.
For Yourself and Your Family
• When you spend time being active, your child learns
healthy habits from you.
• Set playtime, mealtime, and bedtime routines to
make daily life easier to handle.
• Talk with your child’s pediatrician, early care and
education staff, and other parents to get ideas for
making playtime active time.